Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Ok, I may as well weigh in on Governor Elliot Spitzer as much as everyone else is. First of all, I don't see why prostitution is illegal between adults! Second of all, perhaps he and his wife had some kind of arrangement.
But mostly what a putz! How dumb can you be when you are a former Attorney General about the financial transactions.
However it does smell a little political doesn't it? The Feds investigating a bank transaction that then led them to a prostitution they were on his case originally? Well, this country is so provincial when it comes to these matters. The President of France had another family! I do think however that when men in the public, ie. pols do fool around they have got to do it with an equal. You know the old rule...don't fool around with anyone who has LESS to lose than you!


detectivefiction said...

Susan, I figured you would have an insightful comment on the matter, and you didn't disappoint.

susan said...


Anonymous said...

Yay, a comment from Susan, our spy in NY!

I totally agree with you about prostitution: make it legal. Why all this shame about a simple biological impulse? Ach.

That being said, I wish Spitzer's very pretty and intelligent wife didn't have to go through this media circus. Or didn't feel obliged to. I hate watching strong women look pathetic as they "stand by" their busted men.

Liz said...

He is a low-life. Not for having sex but for the way he went about it (illegally) and with a 22 year old? I'm sick of these woman standing up next to these creeps. What example does that set for our daughters? There is no honor is being a martyr.