Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's not television...

HBO's slogan has always been "it's not tv it's HBO."
Well, now they should change it to "It's not TV it's porn!" As Linda Stassi so articulately wrote in today's NY Post, the new HBO "breakout" show entitled Tell Me You Love Me is not loveable, or even likeable, but it is hard porn..not even soft! (You'll excuse the expression.)
This hour drama about sex and marriage is disgusting and boring...a hard combo to accomplish.
Actual handjobs, intercourse and suggested oral sex with really unlikeable characters.
I'm not a prude but I wrote HBO complaining. The Sopranos will be missed!


Anonymous said...

I looked at both episodes on demand and was stunned by the graphic sex--testicular inamorata. But I thought even though it moved slowly the show had value, primarily in commenting on the deadness of marriage at this point in Western civ. The show's narrow focus on white upper middle class types was a comment on the type of sow that gets the greenlight, i.e. a show that reflects the problems and lives of the execs, more than the demographic. I can't see the same execs who greenlighted Sopranos and Sex in the City giving the go-ahead to the current lame set of shows on HBO. HBO had a good run. That's the nature of the beast. What shocks me is that you are a prude and don't know it. You are supposedly chasing the dream that those characters are living out. But I say why do you think you didn't get married all this time? Maybe because you knew deep down that it turns out more like this dynamic than not.

susan said...

no..i don't think so...the private sex in a relationship or marriage is one thing i am not prudish about. But watching it on TV is something else...or maybe I'm getting older. I just thought it was for shock value and not necessary to whatever they were trying to say and didn't say that clearly.

Unknown said...

I agree with your comment above, Susan. Gratuitous graphic sex scenes are the visual equivalent (in my opinion) of resorting to swearing out of sheer laziness -- feeling the need to shock to get attention. Give me some clever subtlety any day. And I'm no prude, either.

susan said...

i could not believe that show! and obviously others like the NY Post agree too! and it was a bore...on top of it.