Thursday, May 31, 2007


I think we should all wear masks on airplanes anyway. I thought this before the lethal TB guy was outed. I never return home from a trip without some kind of cold. I'll do it if you will. I just dont want to look like I'm crazy. Being crazy is one thing, looking like it...well....


Unknown said...

Was it the SARS scare when everyone in Toronto was wearing masks? Creepy, indeed.

Anonymous said...

I just put my son on a plane for Hawaii for his 16th birthday gift. I've been making him pop Airborne all week to give his immune system just a bit of a boost.
TB man was so incredibly selfish to put himself on a plane knowing he was that ill. Getting back to the US was one thing, the CDC would have worked something out to get him back without putting others at risk but to expose dozens of others is just awful.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with fogcitykitty....I don't care how educated or "monied" this guy was just incredibly selfish and should he have passed this on to anyone I hope their lawsuit prevails...what a jerk. A hospital ward isn't about a prison ward..they do it for those who knowingly passing on AIDS.